Caracterizarea Biomecanică și Biofizică a Celulelor prin Microscopie cu Forță Atomică

Event date and time: 20/09/2024 10:00 am

Event location: Seminar Room NIMP

GENERAL SEMINAR: Prof. Stéphane AVRIL, École des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne, Franta

Avem plăcerea de a vă invita în data de 20 septembrie ora 10.00 în sala de seminar la unde domnul profesor Stephan Avril de la École des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne va sustine o prezentare despre caracterizarea biomecanică și biofizică a celulelor prin microscopie cu forță atomică.

Biography: Stéphane Avril received his PhD in mechanical and civil engineering in 2002 at Mines Saint-Etienne (France). After positions at Arts et Métiers ParisTech (France) and Loughborough University (UK), he returned to his alma mater in 2008. Stéphane Avril was a visiting professor at Yale University (USA) 6 times between 2014 and 2019, guest professor at TU Wien (Austria) between 2020 and 2022 and guest professor at TU Graz (Austria) between 2021 and 2022.
Stéphane Avril is now a “Professeur de classe exceptionnelle” at Mines Saint-Etienne, Institut Mines Telecom in France. He is now the director of SAINBIOSE (INSERM endorsed laboratory with 150+ researchers). Within SAINBIOSE he leads a team working on cardiovascular dysfuntion.
Stéphane has received many awards and distinctions including an ERC (European Research Council) consolidator grant in 2015, an ERC proof of concept grant in 2021 and an ERC Advanced grant in 2024.
Most of Stéphane’s research is aimed at improving the treatment of cardiovascular diseases by assisting physicians and surgeons with biomechanical numerical simulations.
In 2017, Stéphane co-founded Predisurge, a spin-off company of IMT at Mines Saint-Etienne. PrediSurge offers innovative software solutions for patient-specific numerical simulation of surgical procedures. In 2024, Stéphane co-founded KaomX, another spin-off company of IMT at Mines Saint-Etienne. KaomX develops a novel imaging device for elasticity measurements in cell mechanobiology.

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